DOCTOR WHO Stars and Fans Deliver their best Dalek Impressions for Lindalee at Gallifrey One

Instead of running away from the most dangerous villains in the Doctor Who Universe, BTM’s resident Whovian, 6 year old Lindalee Rose infiltrated the 2014 GALLIFREY ONE Convention dressed as a DALEK herself. While blending into her surroundings undetected by the Dalek drones, she took the time to ask some die-hard fans and familiar faces from the hit BBC show to deliver their best Dalek impersonations. From Time-Lords to Companions everybody gets in on the fun! Click ahead to also take a look at the behind the scenes moments when Lindalee was presented her Dalek dress by fellow friends and Whovians Stephan and Heather Reese.


Check out the moment when Lindalee was given her custom made dress…



The Bravest Whovian in the Universe!

The Bravest Whovian in the Universe!

Doctor Who Cosplayers Stephan and Heather Reese check out the inside of Lindalee's TARDIS (with Lindalee)

Doctor Who Cosplayers Stephan and Heather Reese check out the inside of Lindalee’s TARDIS (with Lindalee)


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