Archive for the ‘Brian Ochab’ Category

HOLLYWOOD Speaks Up: Women are the Answer!

The solution to many of world’s problems including war, sexual harassment in the workplace, pay equality, lack of compassion, lack of empathy, treatment of animals (the list goes on) is really quite simple. WOMEN NEED TO BE IN CHARGE! Men have been in charge for a very long time and our antediluvian approach to conflict, […]

Book Review: BATMAN: Facts and Stats From The Classic TV Show (Titan Books)

Atomic batteries to power, turbines to…..well I’m sure you know the rest. No? Then perhaps you’ll need to pick up the new release from Titan Books, BATMAN: Facts and Stats From The Classic TV Show. As I thumbed though the book, the red phone in my study beeped. When I answered, it was not Commissioner […]

Holy Bat News! The Batman TV Series is Coming to DVD and my Inner Child is Going Crazy!

 ANNOUNCER:  Midnight in Gotham City…the very dead of night.   Executives from Fox and Warner, outside the studio?  Something must be very much amiss inside the studio for them to be discussing Batman and Robin.   A Mexican stand off?  A plot?  A deal?  Oh, what tangled webs we weave.   Then in the rosy-fingered […]

My Afternoon with Stop-Motion Visual Effects Legend RAY HARRYHAUSEN

Much has been said about the passing of visionary artist and filmmaker Ray Harryhausen.  With the advent of the Internet, very little of any anecdote, fact, figure, statistic and behind the scenes intrigue or biographical information is out of reach.  His films are well known.  Even in today’s CGI dominated effects world, Ray Harryhausen’s work […]


Last year I had the pleasure of seeing The Monkees at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.  It was their 45th anniversary tour (2011). Mickey, Davy and Peter (sans Michael Nesmith).  The concert was just about perfect.  It was a beautiful warm August evening, clear skies and the guys were in top form.  The show […]

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