Disney fans around the world are eagerly anticipating Elena of Avalor, the upcoming animated spin-off series of the Disney Junior show, Sofia the First. Premiering this August on Disney Channel, Elena is a brave and adventurous teenager who saves her kingdom from an evil sorceress and must learn to rule until she is old enough to be queen. […]
Archive for the ‘ARTISTS AND DESIGNERS’ Category
FREE STUFF FRIDAY: WIN a Set of BACK TO THE FUTURE 5″x7″ Silhouette Mini-Prints from POPzilla
Hey gang, it’s FREE STUFF FRIDAY and we’ve got some really awesome items to offer up to our BTM readers this week. In celebration of POPzilla’s latest show tomorrow night, called “TIME AFTER TIME”, a tribute to time travel in pop culture, we’re giving away 3 whole sets of five 5″x7″ BTTF silhouette mini prints to […]
Mark Your Calendars for “TIME after TIME: A Tribute to Time Travel in Pop Culture”
In honor of this year being 2015, the year that Doc and Marty went back to the future, the folks at the POPzilla Gallery knew they needed to have an art show that celebrated this nerd milestone. With their upcoming “TIME after TIME” group show, they not only focus on the best trilogy ever, Back […]
Check Out Artist Paul Shipper’s Awesome Fan Poster for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
With just over a year until the world sees the next Star Wars installment on the big screen, our good friend and illustrator Paul Shipper has created this teaser poster to entice us even further. As Paul tells us, the poster is pure speculation and is loosley based on the first teaser trailer – […]
*BTM EXCLUSIVE* Bob Gale Reveals the Dust Jacket of the New BACK TO THE FUTURE Collectibles Almanac
Today, history…future history, just happened to be made when Bob Gale, co-creator/writer/producer of the Back to the Future trilogy, succeeded in signing off on the printer’s proof of the new, soon-to-be-released, “Back to the Future Almanac”. Jennifer Smith, co-author of the book and our resident Beyond the Marquee Sci-Fi correspondent, sent BTM staffers a picture of our good […]
Visual Futurist Syd Mead Presents “Christmas Fantasies” for the First Time Ever!
Illustrator of the future; Syd Mead is best known for his industrial and film design of science fiction films including: Blade Runner, Aliens, Tron, Mission Impossible III, and most recently the soon to be released Tomorrowland starring George Clooney. If you or a someone you know who is a fan of Syd Mead and live […]
And the Title of the New STAR WARS Episode 7 Film is – STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
With production rumored to be wrapping today at Pinewood Studios in England, the latest installment of the Star Wars series has officially been given a name. On December 18th, 2015, Star Wars fans both young and old will be selling out theaters around the world to experience – STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS The epic saga of […]