“If you’re going to make a documentary about a car, why not do it with some style?” While Doc Brown may not have said those exact words when he unveiled his DeLorean Time Machine in the 1985 film, Back to the Future, the question posed definitely applies to the documentary film, […]
Posts Tagged ‘time machine’
Movie Review: OUTATIME: Saving the DeLorean Time Machine

[VIDEO] BTM: the Web-Series, Ep.85 – Unveiling Event of the Back to the Future DeLorean

BacktotheFuture .com and Beyond the Marquee were on hand for the private unveiling event for the restored Delorean ‘A’ car time machine from the iconic ‘Back to the Future movie trilogy as it was welcomed into its new home at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles on April 20th, 2016. Steve Czarnecki, Senior West […]

Back to the Future DeLorean Reveal & FULL Panel Q&A at the Petersen Auto Museum

BacktotheFuture.com and Beyond the Marquee were on hand at the Petersen Automotive Museum on Wednesday, April 20th for the exclusive unveiling of the original ‘A’ car DeLorean time machine from ‘Back to the Future’. After the tarp was pulled back to reveal the fully restored and iconic car used in the movie trilogy, the […]

*BTM EXCLUSIVE* Bob Gale Reveals the Dust Jacket of the New BACK TO THE FUTURE Collectibles Almanac

Today, history…future history, just happened to be made when Bob Gale, co-creator/writer/producer of the Back to the Future trilogy, succeeded in signing off on the printer’s proof of the new, soon-to-be-released, “Back to the Future Almanac”. Jennifer Smith, co-author of the book and our resident Beyond the Marquee Sci-Fi correspondent, sent BTM staffers a picture of our good […]

Never Before Seen Pictures of the Original Delorean from BACK to the FUTURE Surface on eBay!

ATTENTION BACK TO THE FUTURE FANS! Now selling on ebay, you have a chance to win some never before seen photos of the original hero (“A” car) DeLorean from the hit 1985 movie! 8 days are left to bid on a very special piece of Back to the Future history from the personal collection of […]

BACK TO THE FUTURE Appears in Yet Another Commercial (and it’s pretty cool!)

As we approach 2015, there doesn’t seem to be any waning in the interest and callbacks to the Back to the Future franchise. Every six months or so, a reference shows up in commercials on TV, online, or in the movies – from hocking Nike shoes, using fake Hoverboards in joke videos, to a cameo in […]