Friends and Family know that I am a huge fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean. As soon as the trailers for the movie started to come out for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, I was already clearing space on my home video shelf for it’s inevitable release. This movie for […]
Posts Tagged ‘Blu-ray’
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (4K/Blu-ray Review)

FREE STUFF FRIDAY! – WIN a Blu-ray copy of the Documentary; “Floyd Norman: An Animated Life”

It’s FREE STUFF FRIDAY and we’ve got a fantastic Blu-ray for you to add to your home video collection! From the makers of “Drew: The Man Behind the Poster” comes the best reviewed documentary of the Summer ; “Floyd Norman: An Animated Life”. At 80 years old, see how Disney Legend; Floyd Norman, the first African-American animator […]

FREE STUFF FRIDAY! ~ 3 Chances to WIN a Blu-ray Copy of ‘The TRANSFORMERS: The Movie’, the 30th Anniversary Edition, from SHOUT! Factory

This week saw the 30th Anniversary HD release of The Transformers: The Movie from Shout! Factory on home video. This latest meticulously restored and remastered version of the classic 1986 movie is being heralded for it’s spectacular look, new packaging art and new bonus-features! Now, our good friends at Shout! Factory want our BTM readers […]

The TRANSFORMERS: The Movie – 30th Anniversary Edition – Blu-Ray [REVIEW]

There probably has not been a Blu-ray release I’ve been anticipating more this year than The TRANSFORMERS: The Movie – 30th Anniversary Edition from Shout! Factory. For a kid born in the early 70’s, the 1986 movie version of the popular animated TV show came out at the start of my teenage years. It was […]

Movie Review: OUTATIME: Saving the DeLorean Time Machine

“If you’re going to make a documentary about a car, why not do it with some style?” While Doc Brown may not have said those exact words when he unveiled his DeLorean Time Machine in the 1985 film, Back to the Future, the question posed definitely applies to the documentary film, […]

[Review] GHOSTBUSTERS & GHOSTBUSTERS II – UltraHD 4K Now on Blu-ray and Digital HD

If busting makes you feel good, then pick up Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters II in 4K UltraHD on Blu-ray and Digital today, June 7th 2016! Just in time for SONY’ Picture’s self-proclaimed “Ghostbusters Day” this Wednesday (to help promote the highly anticipated new motion picture, Ghostbusters, from director Paul Feig, starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate […]

[VIDEO] Lindalee Rose at FIDM’s Star Wars Fan Day Event – Star Wars: The Force Awakens

In celebration of the release of STAR WARS: The Force Awakens on Home Video and Digital HD this week, Junior Journalist Lindalee Rose was on hand for the recent FIDM Museum‘s special Star Wars Fan Day Event! While embracing the Force, she had a chance to meet members of the 501st and Rebel Legion (the worldwide Star […]