On Sunday, May 22nd, 2016, close to 3000 fans of the classic 1986 John Hughes comedy, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, convened on Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago, Illinois for a live re-creation of the celebrated “Twist and Shout” parade scene from the original film. The event provided a rousing finale to the 30th Anniversary “Ferris Fest” celebration events […]
Posts Tagged ‘film’
James Bond and the Literary World

License to Kill is the best James Bond movie. By far. And it’s not even close. It’s not the most fun, to be sure, that’s completely subjective and not all that close either[i], but it brilliantly captures the essence of the literary character to the greatest degree, and that essence, boiled down to its most […]
Steven Spielberg’s WAR HORSE Film Review – Above the Bit

“This is what quiet confidence looks like.” – Captain Nicholls, War Horse To say that Steven Spielberg’s film, War Horse, is a modern-day cinematic masterpiece would be an understatement and finding the right words to fully describe its brilliance is quite a daunting task. The above quote seems to work best to sum up the […]