As I’ve mentioned here before, I’m a huge fan of alternative poster art and as a graphic designer I love to create my own fan art to celebrate some of my favorite movies. This is a golden time for Marvel movie fans like myself as we have been treated to the release of Thor, Captain America, X-Men First Class, The Avengers and most recently, The Amazing Spiderman.
I decided last year to create my own alternative poster art to coincide with the release of each movie so its my pleasure to display the final set of 5 Marvel movie posters. Each design is slightly different in style to reflect the style of the relative movie.
Thor uses the colours of the Swedish flag as a subtle hint to the mythologies Nordic roots.
X-Men aims to reflect some of the 60s style that is seen in the franchise prequel, as well as references to the Cuban missile crisis which plays a large part in the movie’s storyline.
The design for Captain America oozes national pride, using only the col0urs of the iconic American flag to create an overview of some of the movie’s main moments.
The Avengers poster aims to use the famous SHIELD logo combined with the faces of 4 of the movie’s main men.
Finally, The Amazing Spider-Man design tries to capture the playfulness of Marc Webb’s latest reincarnation of your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man!
If you like my work why not follow me on twitter @davewill or check out more examples over on my portfolio site at
Thanks for reading!
These are totally amazing!