TRON 3 Rumored to Hit the GRID Soon…

Time to Rez Up…

TRON Fans your time has come, you’ve been wondering if there was a sequel for sure to 2010’s Disney hit Tron: Legacy, and today we may have gotten one step closer to an answer. Rumor from within the Mouse House is that Jesse Wigutow will be working on the latest draft of the third installment of the film’s script. Back on board (once post-production on his latest film Oblivion is complete) will be Joseph Kosinski who directed the Tron: Legacy, and producer Justin Springer who has been busy with the Disney XD Tron: Uprising animated series is also slated to return. Though it’s not anticipated to start production until sometime around 2014, we may see the latest adventures of Sam Flynn and Quorra hitting the silver screen by 2016. We caught up with “Tron”himself, actor Bruce Boxleitner at the recent 30th Anniversary event for TRON last month in Hollywood and asked him what he knew about the 3rd installment in the franchise and would he be back for it? Click ahead for his reaction…




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2 Responses to “TRON 3 Rumored to Hit the GRID Soon…”

  1. Jack says:

    This is awesome

  2. Scott Madia says:

    Sweet, the continuation of one of the most excellent series that drives, “End Of Line” to a whole new meaning!

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