While in Berlin, Germany in late 2011 for the production of Cloud Atlas, Beyond the Marquee host, Jon Donahue dropped by the set used in the upcoming film, Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters (starring Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton). While the location, which takes place within an early 19th century European village, had been deserted months before, the extremely detailed facades were still standing and looked breathtaking. Though at the time of this segment’s taping there honestly were very little details about the film and not much to report on, since then we’ve seen the marketing campaign of one-sheets and a couple trailers. In anticipation of the upcoming release, we invite you to take a light-hearted look at our exclusive behind-the-scenes set visit which will surely give you great appreciation for the craftsmanship behind the creation of the town of Augsburg, Germany which plays a pivotal role in the movie due out Jan 25th, 2013 in 3-D and IMAX 3-D. Click ahead to also match frames from the film itself with our international on-set visit…
Click any of the images below to enlarge and compare our set visit shots with screengrabs from the film’s official trailer…
Skim ahead to about 1:18 in this trailer to see the big pyro-technic explosion within the town…
very nice. the movie wasn’t as great as I’d hoped but the sets certainly were, nice to get a close up look at them here, thanks.