Hit Girl hits theatres with a vengeance in Kick Ass 2. Tough little Chloë Grace Moretz revives her breakout role as Hit Girl. She’s all grown up and still packs quite a punch. Kiwi Lady is back to give you the highs and lows of this hard hitting sequel we’ve waited 3 years for. I found the first movie fresh, fun and exciting. Does this one live up to the hype? Read more…
This film picks up in real time, a few years after Kick Ass left off. Big Daddy is dead and Hit Girl is starting high school. She is still a secret, bad-ass vigilante. Kick Ass, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, teams up with her to get some real training, which does offer a few laughs. When Hit Girl decides to call it quits, Kick Ass joins in with a group of misfit super hero wannabes. This is where Jim Carey enters the picture. He plays a weird Ultra-Christian Army Soldier that doesn’t believe in killing. Little makes sense after this.
When the Evil Super Villains brought together to join forces, lead by Christopher Mintz-Plasse the story line really fails. He seeks revenge of his father’s death and won’t stop until Kick Ass is dead. He plans to cut him up and feed him to sharks he has in a huge tank. He also gives himself a name that I can’t even use in this review. The fighting sequences and gore are a bit cheesy and over the top in true Kick Ass fashion.
The novelty of the 12 year-old little girl spatting profanities has worn off and the audience really wants more than this film delivers. On the plus side, all the actors do a great job with their characters, it’s simply the story line and the script that completely lets us down.
What comes to mind is a silly film for kids, that’s only appropriate for adults to see. Does that even make sense? This could make a fun DVD rental for your teenage son’s movie party night (16yr+). I could go on about how I expected more and was underwhelmed, but I’ll sadly end it here. A wimpy 1.5 stars out of 5 for this sequel.