“Confessions” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.11 (TV Review)

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Kiwi Lady here to give you the hottest scoop of last night’s episode of Breaking Bad, “CONFESSIONS”.   Hanging on every word, with only 5 episodes to go Vince Gilligan has done it again. True fans would be crazy to miss any episodes here on out.  We know that Walt must have survived this inquisition from Hank, and now we are getting to the bottom of how he did it.  My sympathy for Walt is now turning to dislike and anger. Walt’s desperation and conniving intelligence confirms he is a real son of a … Ok, maybe that’s harsh, but let me explain. Read more.  

This episode starts off weirdly with Todd bragging to his uncle about the great train heist, making him sound like a hero.  Todd obviously is not mature enough to handle this new venture he is planning, being the new cook.  They were sitting in a diner during this discussion and the waitress seemed to take some notice of what was said.  My guess is that she could come in to play later.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Walt and Hank meet (with wives in tow) at a restaurant for what Hank thinks is a public confession, but boy is he wrong.  Walt gives no clues or information he can use but he does give over a DVD that he recorded earlier in the day.  With a hint from Skyler that this is the only way, we are left on a limb.

When we get back to Jessie in the interrogation room, he doesn’t seem too surprised that Hank knows about Walt.  Jessie keeps his mouth shut like a good little boy, just like he’s been groomed to do.  When Saul shows up to bail him out, he reminds Hank about his bullying past with Jessie which I had almost forgotten about!   This is where the episode starts to get epic.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Saul, Jessie and Walt all meet in the dessert to find out what Hank actually knows.  Jessie is wiser and has started putting more of Walt’s demented puzzle together.  Although Walt tries to be sincere, we all know what he is capable of, and Jessie now sees he has been his pawn all along.  Agreeing to start a new life, with a new identity they hug and Jessie breaks down crying.

Hank and Marie play the DVD, they are left speechless.  Walt has incriminated Hank as the mastermind and Heisenberg.  Walt plays the innocent victim that has been forced to use his chemistry skills or face abuse and family threats.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Wow, Walt is not only evil but he is incredibly smart about it.  He’s going to blackmail his way out of this, and it all actually would make sense to the DEA.  He even brings up that Hank used the drug money to pay for his rehab – which he did, but didn’t know it at the time.  I can’t help but wonder if Walt had all this planned, somehow as a backup if things went wrong.  Hank is fuming but already feels defeated by Walt and now not able to tell anyone about his discoveries.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Poor Jessie is waiting for his ride to his new life when he discovers that his drugs have been switched with a pack of cigarettes.  This incident sets his mind in a whirlwind.  He puts together the accidental “lost” ricin and the poisoned little boy.  He snaps and realizes the depths Walt will sink to save himself.  This is the last straw.  Jessie walks away from the new life opportunity and heads to Saul’s office in a rage.

Jessie not only attacks and beats up Saul, but grabs his gun.  At gunpoint Saul admits that Walt made him take the ricin cigarette and he leaves on a mission, but not before Saul can warn Walt he’s coming.    Walt quickly returns from chemo to grab a hidden gun from the carwash to protect himself.

We leave off with Jessie screaming and dowsing Walt’s house with gasoline.  He’s got a gun, Walt’s got a gun and all is about to go down.

The last few episodes will be packed full of action if my suspicions are correct.  Still no disappointment here, even with my sky-high expectations. Vince Gilligan is delivering to fans with no complaints, only cries for more!   Well I’m out, Kiwi Lady says good-on-ya and looking forward to the next episode – RABID DOG!  Whaaaat?


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