“Ozymandias” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.14 (TV Review)

"Ozymandias” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.14 (TV Review)

“Ozymandias” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.14 (TV Review)

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:  Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare.  

The lone and level sands stretch far away.  A Poem by Percy Shelley used to promote namesake of this episode, how fitting.  Vince Gilligan claimed this to be his most proud episode to date, and warned us to wear a seatbelt and a diaper while watching.  Lady Kiwi is back with a box of tissues to give you the devastatingly, heart-breaking review of this 3rd to last episode, by far the best of the best.  READ MORE.

Starting the episode with a calm flashback from season one, seemed just ironic enough to get the wheels turning.  This is a sad reminder emphasizing Skylar’s love for Walt and much happier times than this downward spiral his life has taken.  Gilligan is a genius when it comes to making connections and tying up loose ends.  That very dessert is where it all started, and where Walt’s reign as King of Meth finally ends.

Sometimes I hate to be right, but Hank and Gomez did not escape the Uncles firing blitz, executed at point blank even though Walt begged for Hank’s life.  Ironically Hank and Gomez are buried in the same hole as the money once was.  It was their cunning trap that brought them to the location of their ultimate demise.  Jack took all but one money barrel, leaving it to Walt in good faith.

"Ozymandias” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.14 (TV Review)

“Ozymandias” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.14 (TV Review)

Walt turns over Jessie, and somehow Todd talks Jack into letting him go back to be dealt with.  Just before Jessie was dragged out of the dessert Walt told him how he watched Jane die, his last evil secret disclosed.  You could see the devastation and pure pain in his Jessie’s eyes.  Even though Jessie’s beaten to a pulp, chained and forced to help Todd cook, I see an escape coming – hopefully. While this is all going down in the dessert, Marie has made it her job to tell Skylar that Walt is in custody.  Remember the phone call just before the shootout.  She forces Skylar to tell Flynn, and he is in complete disbelief.

When Walt finally gets home, Skylar and Flynn are hysterical.  Walt shouting pack up and let’s get out of here. This irrational behaviour prompts Skylar to grab a knife and cut Walt. The good son breaks it up and calls 911.  Walt dashes out, but not before snatching baby Holly.  I felt physically sick watching this unfold.  I was in shock, angry and heartbroken all at the same time.

"Ozymandias” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.14 (TV Review)

“Ozymandias” – BREAKING BAD, Season 5 Ep.14 (TV Review)

Coming to his senses Walt drops off the baby at the fire station before calling Skylar.  He turns back into the Hiesenberg monster, yelling at her, calling her horrible names.  I can only hope he did it all to clear her from any involvement.  Tears rolled down his cheeks as he fought back sobs in between every word.  He must have known his phone was being traced and recorded, this was by far Walt’s best acting role to date.

With nothing left but his money barrel and a couple suitcases, Walt waits on the side of the road and the “van” pulls up.  We can only assume he is heading for a new life, in New Hampshire?   I guess we wait on pins and needles to see how all this unfolds, his house abandoned, and why he goes back to get the ricin.  This show is some kind of wild ride and for some reason don’t want to end! Kiwi Lady is on the edge of her seat – until next time, good-on-ya Vince, you make watching TV fun again.


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