Whovians around the world are counting down till the 50th anniversary episode of the BBC’s hit sci-fi television series; Doctor Who! With special programs planned across the BBC, the celebrations will peak on 23 November with the anniversary episode, revealed as ‘The Day of the Doctor’. Starring Matt Smith, David Tennant, Jenna Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt, the 50th Anniversary special for BBC One has been confirmed as feature length with 75 minutes of adventure. Now to add to the mystery and anticipation of this episode, the BBC has also released an equally as mysterious and question filled one-sheet for the “Day of the Doctor”. Matt Smith who plays the Doctor has said: “The Day of the Doctor is nearly here! Hope you all enjoy.” Click ahead to check out a large version of the poster image!
The poster below features all three Doctors, as well as some various famous “Doctor Who” images from a wall of graffiti that says “Bad Wolf” graffiti, what looks like possibly the Trenzalore graveyard, an exploding Dalek, some Gallifreyan alphabet, the TARDIS itself and is that a Red Sonic screwdriver in John Hurts hands!?!?! What does it all mean!?!?!

Poster for Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special – The Day of the Doctor – (C) BBC – Photographer: Adrian Rogers
What do you think of the poster? Does it reveal anything to you about the upcoming special episode? Leave your thoughts below…