“ONCE UPON A TIME” Season 3 Ep. 8 (TV Review)

ONCE UPON A TIME - "Think Lovely Thoughts"

ONCE UPON A TIME – “Think Lovely Thoughts”

Previously on Once Upon A Time… Rumplestiltskin’s past was outlined to the viewer as he disowned his son over security by becoming the Dark One, and with it losing a sense of kinship to his son. Later on he was told a prophecy that his undoing would be because of his grandson. Meanwhile, Prince Charming told the Alliance that he would have to stay on Neverland forever. Read ahead for our recap and review of this week’s exciting episode!

There were two primary story arcs that transpired over the course of this episode, or one might say chapter in this never ending fairytale. The predominant storyline dealt with the Alliance, including the characters of: Prince Charming, Snow White, Emma Swan, Rumple, Neal (Baelfire), Captain Hook, and Tinkerbell. The Alliances quest is to save Henry from Peter Pan. The second storyline dealt with Rumple’s youth, and his father’s ultimate betrayal.

United against a common enemy, an unlikely group of heroes and villains set their differences aside to rescue Henry from a cruel fate.

United against a common enemy, an unlikely group of heroes and villains set their differences aside to rescue Henry from a cruel fate.

The first story was ignited in a hurry as Rumple and the Evil Queen came upon the rest of the members of the Alliance with weapons drawn ready for battle. After the Alliance, including the Evil Queen, realized that Rumple had been told that Henry would lead to his undoing, everyone turned against him. After Rumple gave his son Pandora’s Box, Rumple was able to venture on with them until they came to Peter’s lair. Unfortunately for the Alliance, there was no Peter or Henry to be found; however, they did find Wendy Darling, whom reveals that Peter is using Henry’s heart to make him all powerful and immortal. With that they divide and conquer, with the story shifting to Skull Island as Rumple, Emma, Neal, and Regina (the Evil Queen) go after Henry. Before we conclude this epic, we need to delve deeper into the young psyche of Rumple.

Rumple’s father was the town’s fool at best, and an insult to the town’s collective intelligence at worst. After his trickery and deceit, Rumple’s father decided best to leave Rumple with the two seamstresses, while he went to find a good job. To their surprise, Rumple’s gift was as as seamster. With this gift, the seamstresses implored him to leave the town, leaving his father’s reputation behind. They provided him an out by providing him one of the magic beans. Due to Rumple’s longing for a father figure though, he takes the beans to his father, which leads the two of them to Neverland.

After decades of being apart, Rumple faces his father, Peter Pan, as the resolve to realize their plans comes to a head.

After decades of being apart, Rumple faces his father, Peter Pan, as the resolve to realize their plans comes to a head.

After his father realizes that he can’t fly without being youthful again, Rumple’s father has Rumple sacrificed and taken away, leaving Rumple disbanded from his father. As Rumple’s father lets go of him, his corn doll he named, Peter Pan, falls to the floor, as his father is transformed into…….. PETER PAN. Yes you heard it correct Rumplestiltskin’s dad is Peter Pan meaning that Rumple’s dad betrayed his son for youth, and Rumple did it to Neal to protect himself.

Back to the present day, Rumple comes into Skull Island and is able to walk through the Protection Spell that his father cast. Rumple’s honest intentions are shown to Emma, Neal, and Regina, as it’s clarified on why he separated his shadow. After Pan distances himself from Henry, Rumple confronts his dad. Rumpel’s father, Pan, adamance about having him live on Neverland, only deepens his convictions to get off Neverland with his family. Sadly, just as Rumple is about to capture his father in Pandora’s Box, Peter Pan pulls out the real box, and traps him within the box.

Prince Charming realizes that his future may be stuck on Neverland forever.

Prince Charming realizes that his future may be stuck on Neverland forever.

Just as Neal, Emma, and Regina, enter the upper chamber, Peter finishes talking to Henry about the pressing matter to have his heart to save magic. Although all 3 of Henry’s parents nearly breakthrough, unfortunately their love comes to late as Henry rips out his heart, and shoves it in Pan’s chest. With this consequential event a powerful spell is cast across all of Neverland. With that Peter flies into the air, and his great grandson lies on the floor dead with his parents draped over him.

This episode was the midpoint pinch that the season had been leading up to. This season has been exceptional because of the unexpected resurfacing or the Darling family, and the revelations associated with Ariel and Mulan on the personal front. The Darlings provided Peter the means to be manipulated against one another. While the truth about Ariel’s prince and Mulan’s romantic desire of Aurora came to light.

These new elements, along with the primary backdrop of Neverland, laid the groundwork for the mind numbing reality that Rumple’s father was in fact Peter Pan. Lastly, with Peter possessing the heart of the truest believer, in his quest for self preservation he left Henry dead, Henry’s parents feeling devastated, and Neverland’s inhabitants feeling the gravity of his power. That cataclysmic force of magic that went throughout Neverland demonstrated once and for all that magic comes as a price. What that price will ultimately be for our unlikely formed allegiance will only be told as the rest of the season unfolds.

Will Pan be killed?

Will Henry live?

And above all else will everyone find there happy ending?


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