Previously on Once Upon a Time many cataclysmic revelations were revealed both in the past and in the present. First and foremost that Rumpelstiltskin is in fact alive and being held captive by the Wicked Witch in Storybrooke. Not only is he alive, he’s being held captive by the Wicked Witch on the outskirts of town who has her own intentions for seeking revenge against the Evil Queen. Lastly, we discovered that Zelena, aka the Wicked Witch, would be the midwife for Snow White’s new baby in order to help deliver it. This chapter dealt with slowly finding clues about the Wicked Witches means in the future, and our heroes journey to stop her in her tracks. Read ahead for our spoiler laden recap and review!
Coming to terms with what David, aka Prince Charming, experienced after leaving Storybrooke, and isolating Emma once again, plagued him to no ends as he looked for a way to find his own peace. While discussing Emma’s fate with Robin Hood, Prince Charming is told a about Night Root. While on his quest to capture a piece of the Night Root, Prince Charming hears a cry in the distance. With that he wisks away to protect the damsel from afar.
It is through this encounter that Charming meets Rapunzel, high above the Enchanted Forest. He compels her to reveal how she became trapped in her tower. She outlines to him a tragic story of lost sacrifice and dismay. Only by coming to terms with the role that she played in her brothers untimely death will she ever be able to face the world again. A tremendous opportunity presented itself as the witch that trapped her in the tower reared her head. Through the strength to chop her hair off Rapunzel was able to overcome her own inner demons. With this glorious achievement, Rapunzel was able to return home to her parents and pursue her rightful destiny as royalty.
Prince Charming’s ability to see Rapunzel’s potential and inner strength foreshadowed his own experience in Storybrooke. The experience I’m referring to is where the heart of the story takes place this week on Once Upon a Time. There are two interceding arcs that take place. First and foremost, that Emma, Regina, and Captain Hook’s quest to find the Wicked Witch, and secondly Zelena, aka the Wicked Witch’s, scheme to gain the trust of Prince Charming and of Snow White to birth her child. I’m going to speak to Zelena’s plight because of how it greatly informs the lives of Emma, Regina, and Captain Hook.
First as she’s known in Storybrooke, Zelena broke into the safe at Mr. Gold’s store while casting a spell against Belle in order go get the Night Root out of the vault. As she continued to built rapport with Snow, David drank the insidious Night Root with Snow and the Wicked Witch. The Wicked Witches aim in doing this deed was to manifest David’s own fears, and ultimately remove his courage. After searching in the forest for the Wicked Witch, with the Night Root in his system, David began to see the same witch from his days with Rapunzel. He soon realized it was himself and that only by overcoming his fears could he defeat the “witch.” Yet even with the fears out of his body, it’s revealed by Regina, that the Night Root was used to remove Prince Charming’s courage.
As Emma and her cohorts begin to unravel the schemes of the Wicked Witch, the first stage of her master plan comes to pass. First they were able to find her house, which appeared to be a farm house. Emma, Hook, and Regina broke off the chain to the storm cellar, then with great shock and dismay, they went down into the storm cellar to find that there was gold that had been spun from straw meaning only one thing… RUMPELSTILTSKIN IS ALIVE.
Will Snow White and Prince Charming be able to thwart the Wicked Witches plan before she sees it through to fruition? Will Prince Charming forgive himself for not being able to raise Emma? Will the Evil Queen be able to exact revenge on her sister before it’s too late? Tune in next week to watch as the next chapter unfolds.