Now out on Comic Shelves are TITAN Comics 2nd issues for their Doctor Who comic series Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2 and Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2.
The further adventures of the time-lords continue on Earth and around the universe in these latest installments that feature all the fun, action and aliens you’d expect from Doctor Who.
Beyond the Marquee’s resident Whovian Lindalee Rose took a break after a taping of her recent Doctor Who Review episode to check out both issues and lends her critique on the newest issues.
Both titles are now available in print wherever good comic books are sold, and digitally through comiXology. Find out more at , where you can also pre-order or subscribe to each series.
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #2
“This one was a lot of fun, the Doctor, Matt Smith, takes his new companion Alice to a planet thats like a giant Carnival. But the planet, is supposed to be beautiful and NOT a Carnival, so the Doctor and Alive have to figure out what happened to the planet, and who changed it”
“This one was good and I liked the action and the weird creatures. And Alice is a good companion, she’s really sweet. The 11th Doctor was fast and funny in this one too”
“I love the Rory and Amy comics in the back. In this one Amy and the Doctor go shopping to buy Almond Milk, but then the checkout machine is acting all crazy, and it’s talking, and the Doctor thinks it’s, like an alien yelling at him and he’s trying to use his Sonic Screwdriver to stop it”
FINAL THOUGHTS: “This one was funny, but also kinda weird because there was a giant floss monster, but I liked it. I don’t know what the Doctor is looking at on this cover? Maybe the Ferris Wheel on the Carnival planet?
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2
“The 10th Doctor saves this girl named Gabby from this Monster that’s attacking her in the train. She shows the monster his reflection with her mirror and it dissapears. I don’t really know why”
“Gaby thinks the Doctor is a Policeman because it says it on the TARDIS, and he’s wearing Blue. The Doctor also has a cool helmet that lets him see these Ghost Aliens who live inside of humans, but the humans don’t know about it.”
“…and the ghost aliens, they are from another universe, and their door to it, is in Gabriela dad’s laundry store, and Gaby’s in the store when they are trying to get back to it…Dun, Dun, Dun!!!”
FINAL THOUGHTS: “This one was kinda scary, there were a lot of Monsters and Aliens in this one, and I’m still not sure what the Doctor is looking up at on this cover either?”