Great Scott!!! OUT OF TIME is almost Out of Time!


Movie Poster for OUT OF TIME

Sure, you can donate to Save the Whales, Protect the Rainforests, or Stop Global Warming, but let’s get our priorities straight gang! What you really should be investing your hard earned 9-5 paycheck on is helping our friend Steve Concotelli in making OUT OF TIME: Saving the DeLorean Time Machine, a documentary about the Back to the Future A car’s restoration, a reality!

This Tuesday marks the end of the Time Machine Restoration Kickstarter Documentary funding page and there’s no better “time” than the present to invest for the “future”.

Click ahead to read more about the campaign about Universal Studios and “Back to the Future” fans working together, to save the original DeLorean Time Machine!




As Beyond the Marquee readers you know we hold “Back to the Future” close to our hearts and have done numerous behind the scenes videos and exclusive interviews with our friend Bob Gale, the co-producer/writer/creator of the film trilogy. So we’re truly excited and proud to support all the industry professionals, filmmakers and producers, who happen to be huge “Back to the Future” fans and worked so hard to make this restoration of the world’s most famous film car, a reality.

To capture this incredible journey, producer Steve Concotelli embedded himself within the restoration team for over a year, capturing every moment on camera.  From amazing discoveries to frustrating setbacks – they caught it all and because this restoration was a once in a lifetime experience the Kickstarter campaign will ensure that the die-hard BTTF fan’s will be a part of “OUT OF TIME: Saving the DeLorean Time Machine” (oh and there’s also some AMAZING rewards for backers, so check them out and HURRY!!!)


BTTF "A" Car Before Restoration

BTTF “A” Car Before Restoration


Restored "A" Car Time Machine

Restored “A” Car Time Machine





OUT OF TIME Movie Poster

OUT OF TIME Movie Poster



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