Lindalee Checks out DreamWorks Animation’s Colorful HOME Blu-Ray Celebration Event

BTM Junior Reporter; Lindalee Rose heads to Color-Me-Mine in Studio City, CA for the Blu-ray Release Party for DreamWorks Animation’s “HOME”.

A fun-filled morning was in-store as “Oh” the alien greeted guests, Director Tim Johnson discussed making the film, and Jason Reisig the head of DreamWorks Character Animation dropped by to give Lindalee an out of this world drawing lesson.

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HOME is now available on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD from Fox Home Entertainment and DreamWorks Animation


Check out some behind the scenes pics from Lindalee’s personal photo album from the event below…


HOME's Director Tim Johnson and Lindalee Rose

HOME’s Director Tim Johnson and Lindalee Rose

Dreamworks Animation's head of Character Animation, Jason Reisig gives Lindalee a tutorial on drawing Oh.

Dreamworks Animation’s head of Character Animation, Jason Reisig gives Lindalee a tutorial on drawing Oh.

Lindalee and Oh the Boov Alien

Lindalee and Oh the Boov Alien

Lindalee and her sister Autumn paint HOME designs on their pottery at Color-Me-Mine in Studio City, CA

Lindalee and her sister Autumn paint HOME designs on their pottery at Color-Me-Mine in Studio City, CA

Lindalee's Oh painting on a plate...

Lindalee’s Oh painting on a plate…


Dreamworks Animation's HOME now on Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital HD

Dreamworks Animation’s HOME now on Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital HD




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