Yes around the world it’s FORCE FRIDAY, a wonderfully made up day where merchandise retailers around the world release a slew of Star Wars toy product for overly hungry consumers, fans and collectors. No denying that some of our team were out on location scooping up Kylo Ren figures and Crossguard lightsabers at retail stores […]
Posts Tagged ‘Mark Hamil’
Our Beyond the Marquee FORCE FRIDAY Star Wars Web-Series Flashback Post!

[VIDEO] Lindalee Rose’s MAY THE 4TH Star Wars Celebration 2015 Fan Interviews

What will Star Wars fans be doing this year on Star Wars Day (May the 4th)? Well we sent Junior Reporter Lindalee Rose to Star Wars Celebration in Anaheim, CA to talk to the world’s most devoted followers in the whole galaxy to find out. Subscribe to Lindalee’s channel today for more fun videos;

[VIDEO] BTM: The Web-Series (Ep.78) – Star Wars Celebration 2015 (Anaheim, CA)

In her debut hosting segment, we send rookie reporter Alyssa Dahlstedt into the lion’s den, (more like the Sarlacc Pit) to Star Wars Celebration to interview the galaxies biggest fans of the epic sci-fi franchise. What’s your favorite Star Wars Celebration memory? And how did you think Alyssa did? Drop us a comment below. Click […]