When you want to talk to the cast & crew of the latest Ghostbusters movie, Who You Gonna’ Call to get it done? None other than BTM’s own 8 year old resident Junior Ghostbuster & Red Carpet Reporter; Lindalee Rose Armed with a Proton Pack and tons of questions, we sent Lindalee to the World […]
Posts Tagged ‘TCL Chinese Theater’
[VIDEO] Ghostbusters 2016 Red-Carpet Interviews with Cast, Crew & Lindalee Rose

[VIDEO] Lindalee Rose Interviews Actress Nicole Kidman at the PADDINGTON L.A. Premiere

During the Los Angeles Premiere for PADDINGTON, Junior Reporter Lindalee Rose chatted it up with actress Nicole Kidman who stars in the new family movie about the mischievous Peruvian bear. Curious if the award winning actress ever had a stuffed animal or favorite toy of her own as a kid, Lindalee posed the question to […]