Sundance, Cannes and Tribeca. All Film Festivals that had a small start and eventually became a worldwide name in the world of films and documentaries. It will only be a matter of time until the All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival joins the ranks of these prestigious fests.
They say 3 times a charm, and this year marks the All Sports third successful year for Pat Battistini who gave birth to this unique event. The All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival is the only one of this sort of genre of festival on the West Coast and what more fitting a home than in Los Angeles. The festival focuses on the world of sports, sports competition and the art of the screenwriting and filmmaking that surrounds it.
Battistini, who is an avid sports fan, decided to marry his love for watching sport films and motion pictures to create a genre specific festival that showcases a wide range of sport themed films and documentaries. “After toying around with the idea for a couple years, it finally came down to one of those things that if no one else is going to do it, I need to”, said Pat.
Now you may wonder how many sports films can there really be about Baseball, Football, and Basketball? But when you factor in studio theatrical releases amidst a world of documentaries on smaller sport related topics, suddenly a film All Sports Film Festival makes perfect sense. With technology becoming smaller and more affordable, these lower budgeted niche films and documentaries are becoming all the more popular and broadening their production and awareness to wider audiences. “We felt that creating this festival would give the many sports fanatics out there an outlet for their love of competition”, says Battistini.

All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival organizer Pat Battistini, left, with Pete Rose before the screening of "4192" at the 2010 event in Hollywood, CA
Over the years some of the festival’s entries have focused on such topics as coast to coast mountain biking, an Iraq’s Women’s Rugby Team, Beer Pong, Boxing, Martial Arts, Australian Solar Powered Car racing, Surfing, Freediving and yes, even Soccer-playing Robots! Well-respected people in the film and sporting industry judge the films for their content.

Cameron Barrett (center) holding her award for "Continuum: Against All Odds" winner of the Best Short Documentary at the 2009 All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival
The festival’s third annual screenings will be at the El Portal Theater on November 11 – 13th with tickets to various blocks of screenings as low as $10 each. For more information visit the official web site for the All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival at