‘Tis the season for a horde of haunted houses and theme park horror ventures — and in the midst of them — a very immersive, elaborate, and suspenseful experience has emerged as particularly unique. The Purge: Fear the Night is a live, interactive venture inspired by many key elements from the highly successful film which bears the same, core name — the film also recently made its debut on home video. Far different from the traditional “conga line”, passive/gallery-like viewing that takes place with so many horror attractions — here you’re thrown right in the center of the action — and you’re literally pulled into the narrative of the story: playing a vital role in the events that transpire.
The story contends with a future where, for one night a year, citizens can be as reckless as they want with no legal consequences — an act called “The Purge” — all for the sake of letting pent up rage out so as to help keep crime and unemployment rates down. If you’ve seen the film, and as you might imagine otherwise — pandemonium does indeed break loose in this live experience — and you’ve got to struggle to “survive” the night. It’s a wild ordeal — lasting for approximately two hours, and it’s a helluva good time… delving heavily into action and suspense.
The exclusive location for the event is the historic Variety Arts Center building located at 940 S. Figueroa Street in Downtown Los Angeles (adjacent to LA Live) — a HUGE 70,000 square foot building with various levels and tons of rooms representing many different types of settings: with some so cavernous that they serve as the outdoors. It’s elaborately staged — with excellent production value throughout: populated by actors and actresses who are clearly relishing their roles — staying in character no matter what occurs — all adding to the enveloping atmosphere.
This Wednesday, October 16h — we’ll post our video interview with the creator of the event: Jason Blum, founder and CEO of Blumhouse Productions — who also produced the film version, as well other contemporary horror hits with the “Insidious” and “Paranomal Activity” movie series’. You’ll also see footage from our night trying to outlive “The Purge”!
“The Purge: Fear The Night” live event runs through November 2nd — ticket information can be found here: purgelive.com