It’s time to charge up your Proton Packs, grab a bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows and a Twinkie or two! In celebration of the 30th Anniversary Blu-ray release of 1984’s original Ghostbusters film, Beyond the Marquee will be hosting a week-long retrospective event filled with videos, articles and more…all centered around everyone’s favorite ghost-busting crew.
The fun starts on Monday, September 15th!
Ghostbusters Week will be packed with exciting and exclusive content, some of which will include an interview with Ghostbusters Producer, Joe Medjuck, an On-Location tour of the Ghostbusters HQ Firehouse, a showcase of cool Ghostbusters merchandise from Sony Pictures Consumer Marketing, and a 30 years-later reunion with Stephen Dane and the classic car he designed – the Ectomobile.
To top it all off at the end of the week, we will announce the start of a big contest giveaway of Ghostbusters-themed merchandise from our friends at Sony and Mattel. So, tune in and pay attention to see how you can win! Once again, it all starts Monday, September 15th.
Who Ya Gonna Call for great, new Ghostbusters content? Beyond the Marquee!