Previously on Once Upon a Time.… A powerful individual by the name of Elsa came to the city of Storybrooke, Maine on the quest of finding her younger sister Anna. The main takeaway from the first episode was that one of Anna’s necklace’s had come into the possession of one Mr. Gold aka Rumplestiltskin. On top of that, the romance between Emma and Hook as well as Regina and Robin Hood had created some very icy situations that the leads would have to overcome.
Read below at your own peril, to find out what transpired on Once Upon A Time.
This week I’m going to continue what I did last week and simply focus on the strengths, weaknesses, and potential upsides and difficulties of the show. I like the dynamics between Elsa and Emma that developed over the course of the episode. I think that Emma and Elsa’s similarities are pretty glaring considering that they both don’t have a full grasp over their own powers. I like that element in the show that these two individuals are trying to fully realize their strengths and the full magnitude of their mystical powers. I thought establishing Elsa’s mistrust of outsiders became critical to flesh out especially with that of men and their trust in them.

With the heir apparent in their hands, and the power out in their city, Snow is called upon to find a solution.
Fans took to the social media apparatus and argued that the biggest weakness this week was that it was far too close to the Disney Animation Feature Film Frozen which the Arrendelle based fantasy tale was upon. They thought if you were going to use such a great source as Frozen you would explore and find greater complexity in the relationships and themes that existed in the movie. By having one of the sisters look for the other one it seemed too similar to the other one. I have hope that they are just laying the ground work, but we shall soon see. My other let down was how forced the leadership role Snow White had to take. Instead of having her just take the initiative, it took her citizenry to compel her into action.
The biggest upside is that through the relationship that Hook and Prince Charming are forging to save Emma from Elsa, Charming is beginning to trust him, which is in his interest if he ever wants to have their blessing to mary Emma. I thought using his hook was a bit predictable, but I thought that distress that was portrayed in that performance, showed Colin O’Donoghue’s vulnerability as an actor, especially with the likes Josh Dallas at his side. In the preview, they started to allude to the Snow Queen, who like the Wicked Witch of the West looks like to be the far superior being opposite of Elsa.
The other storyline that really grounded the relationship between Charming aka David and Anna was that she taught him how to sword fight. I thought that showed not only David’s desire to leave the tormented life he was living under the cruelty of Bo Peep, but it showed his belief in the power of faith in overcoming unlikely odds. For Anna it showed that although her sister had all of the magical powers, at least as of now, she was as fierce a warrior as anyone. I can’t wait to see this seed fully blossom, like so many other seeds have over the course of their past seasons.
The only downside is that the season doesn’t seem to be having a strong arc through line. I don’t see the plight in who is going to be the formidable villain or how the relationship with Belle and Rumple has received very little screen time compared to some of the other relationships in the show. I know the season is just starting, but for ratings and for the critical viability of the show, I hope that they can increase their audience by focusing on the themes of hope, family, and the idea of how we are perceived as good versus evil.
I can’t wait to see where this season will take us as Frozen freezes over the city of Storybrooke.