Previously on “Once Upon a Time” Emma was reunited with her parents after Captain Hook helped give Emma her memory back, In doing so it gives her the power to remember what happened to her family and the rest of the fairytale characters. In the present day, Emma has found out that she soon will be a […]
Archive for the ‘Cody Thompson’ Category
ONCE UPON A TIME – Season 3 Ep.13 (TV Review)

“ONCE UPON A TIME” Season 3 Ep.12 (TV Review)

Previously on “Once Upon a Time”… Peter Pan’s curse to reset the characters of Storybrooke was fully realized as Henry and Emma were sent to New York without an iota of them being aware of what had happened since the curse had come to pass by the Evil Queen Regina. The rest of the principal […]
“ONCE UPON A TIME” (TV Review) S3 E11

Previously on “Once Upon A Time”… Peter Pan’s devious schemes to unleash the full power of Regina’s original curse became revealed. With all of the major characters reunited would their loyalties and romances be strengths or weaknesses? In the Winter Finale episode, the race is on to stop Pan from enacting another curse on the residents […]
“ONCE UPON A TIME” (TV Review) S3 E10

Previously on Once Upon a Time… The Alliance was successful in saving Henry from Peter Pan. This was quite a feat as earlier on Henry had his heart ripped out of his chest in Pan’s quest for immortality. After capturing Pan’s body inside of Pandora’s Box Henry’s and Pan’s souls were switched leaving Henry in […]
“ONCE UPON A TIME” Season 3 Ep. 8 (TV Review)

Previously on Once Upon A Time… Rumplestiltskin’s past was outlined to the viewer as he disowned his son over security by becoming the Dark One, and with it losing a sense of kinship to his son. Later on he was told a prophecy that his undoing would be because of his grandson. Meanwhile, Prince Charming […]
“ONCE UPON A TIME” Season 3 Ep.6 (TV Review)

Reader discretion is advised. Previously on Once Upon a Time… The relationship between Pan and Hook is finally revealed. Hook’s rise to power comes after his brother’s death, at the hands of Pan. In the present, Captain Hook saves Prince Charming from his terminal, when the deadly dream shade graced his chest. While celebrating the […]
ABC’s “ONCE UPON A TIME” (TV Review) S3 E4

Reader discretion is advised. Once Upon a Time… In a mysterious island known as Neverland, Tinkerbell joined the alliance of Emma, Snow White, Prince Charming, Captain Hook, and the Evil Queen, but warns them that the only way they will get off the island is if Pan allows it. Meanwhile, through the magical properties of […]