Beyond the Marquee Host Jon Donahue and Warner Bros. Studio Hollywood VIP Tour Guide John Kourounis team-up to take you behind the scenes of the new interactive ultimate TV & Movie experience known as Stage 48. This unique attraction, (part of the Warner Bros VIP Studio Hollywood Tour) offers fans the rare opportunity to not […]
Posts Tagged ‘Dawn of Justice’
[VIDEO] We Check out ‘STAGE 48’ at the Warner Bros. Studio (BTM: the Web-Series, Ep.84)
November 24th, 2015 Beyond the Marquee
Posted in ARTICLES BY AUTHOR, Beyond The Marquee, BTM: THE WEB SERIES, Jon Donahue, MOVIES, ON-LOCATION, PROPS & COSTUMES, THE WEB SERIES Tags: Anabelle, Batman, Behind the Scenes, Beyond the Marquee, Blade Runner, Cafe Perk, Costumes, Dawn of Justice, FRIENDS, Green Screen, Gremlins, Harry Potter, Hobbit, Hollywood, John Kourounis, Jon Donahue, movies, Props, Stage 48, Superman, The Force Awakens, VIP Tour, Warner Bros. Entertainment (Production Company), Warner Bros. Studios No Comments »