I’m not one to get starstruck. That’s not true. I get starstruck as much as the next film buff, but I keep it internal so as to remain “professional.” To paraphrase Bill Murray (from Quick Change, not Ghostbusters), “I’m the starstruck on the inside kind, I guess.” Every now and then, however, the internal […]
Posts Tagged ‘church’
MR. STAY PUFT — Meeting the Man inside the Marshmallow Man
September 19th, 2014 Steven D'Arcangelo
Posted in ABOUT US, ARTICLES BY AUTHOR, MAJOR MOTION PICS, MOVIES, PROPS & COSTUMES, Steven D'arcangelo Tags: #GB30, Bill Bryan, Bill Murray, BOSS FIlm, church, costume, Dan Aykroyd, David Keith, Ernie Hudson, filming, Ghost Trap, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 30th Anniversary, Ghostbusters II, Ghostbusters Week, Gozer Temple, Harold Ramis, Ivan Reitman, Keith David, miniature, Proton Pack, Richard Edlund, special effects, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, suit 5 Comments »