It’s been 30 years since the first release of Ghostbusters and interest in the movie has once again peaked. The film was recently re-released to theaters for an extended run in early September and Sony is now offering an impressive new Blu-ray transfer with updated special features. Ghostbusters-related consumer products are infiltrating the market with everything from T-shirts to Krispy Kreme donuts. To […]
Posts Tagged ‘GB3’
An Interview with GHOSTBUSTERS Producer, Joe Medjuck (including Ghostbusters 3 rumors)
September 15th, 2014 Kevin Stern
Posted in ANIMATED, ARTICLES BY AUTHOR, Beyond The Marquee, Kevin Stern, MAJOR MOTION PICS, MOVIES, ON-LOCATION, T.V., Uncategorized Tags: #GB30, Bill Murray, Blu-ray, Dan Aykroyd, Ecto-1A, Ectomobile, Ernie Hudson, GB3, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters 3, Ghostbusters Anniversary, Ghostbusters II, Harold Ramis, Ivan Reitman, Janine, Jason Reitman, Joe Medjuck, Marshmallow Man, Rick Moranis, Slimer, Sony, Sony Pictures Studios, Stay-Puft, Stephen Dane, The Real Ghostbusters 5 Comments »