Posts Tagged ‘R’


“TRUE STORY” (Film Review & Trailer)

  The acting saves the slow moving crime drama True Story from being a dragged out snoozer. Based on a factual account of a murder and the discrediting of a rising star reporter at the New York Times, the film stretches the story making True Story lukewarm at best. While the movie has a disturbing plot involving a heinous […]

GET HARD poster imdb

“GET HARD” (Film Review & Trailer)

  Wacky, Madcap and insane, but what else would you expect when Will Farrell and Kevin Hart team up for a movie. The two outlandish comedians put Get Hard over the top in this irreverent comedy that should keep audiences laughing way after they leave the theater. That is unless you are easily offended by […]

ITFOLLOWS poster Radius

“IT FOLLOWS” (Indie Film Review & Trailer)

  Very daunting, compelling, edgy and different the chiller It Follows takes you on a horror ride where sex is key and death the consequence. The disturbing film takes on a complex storyline and sorts it all out during the finale. Perfect for fans that like a good scare and staying with you for a […]

RUN NIGHT poster

“RUN ALL NIGHT” (Film Review & Trailer)

  It’s father versus father in the exciting action drama Run All Night. The hard hitting crime film gets right into the story of violence and never stops dishing it out. Smart directing, very good cast and intense camera work make this film a winner. If you like Liam Neeson in movies like Taken then […]

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