Posts Tagged ‘Language’

AVENGERS poster 1

“AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON” (Film Review & Trailer)

  Waiting three years for the sequel to Avengers has been a long haul, but it’s worth it. The story, special effects, acting, directing, cinematography, special effects, computer graphics, motion capture and more are amazing. Whether you are a sci-fi nut or just want to see a lot of explosive action on the big screen, […]

24 DAYS poster

“24 DAYS” (Foreign Film Review & Trailer)

  Kidnapping for money has become common in many countries getting huge sums of cash from rich families. So in the film 24 Days the kidnappers target their quarry on the notion that all Jews are rich and have access to large amounts of money. The story is true, the events are heinous and the outcome reeks with anti-Semitism. What also rings clear are […]


“’71” (Indie Film Review & Trailer)

  One of the most brutal wars comes to the screen and it does not involve the United States. In this film we get to see one day during the Irish Revolution between the Protestants and the Catholics. Most of us watched the news as the war dragged on for years, but up until now […]


“INSURGENT” (Film Review & Trailer)

  Taking the helm for this second installment in the Divergent series Robert Schwentke gives us a treat within a treatment. Not all fun and roses, Insurgent gives a reworking and a bird’s eye view of the various factions that were explained in the first film of the series. Whether Schwentke was instructed to stretch out the series or […]

RUN NIGHT poster

“RUN ALL NIGHT” (Film Review & Trailer)

  It’s father versus father in the exciting action drama Run All Night. The hard hitting crime film gets right into the story of violence and never stops dishing it out. Smart directing, very good cast and intense camera work make this film a winner. If you like Liam Neeson in movies like Taken then […]


“CHAPPiE” (Film Review & Trailer)

  Turning what could have been just another I, Robot Director Neill Blomkamp makes his film Chappie a winning sci-fi thriller. The film opens with exciting action and continues on a rollercoaster ride only slowing down to create new characters. It’s the first livewire of the year and opening during a spring break weekend should bolster the box-office. While […]

FOCUS poster

“FOCUS” (Film Review & Trailer)

  Moderately out of control and highly convoluted the film Focus takes its turn at the box-off. While the stars Will Smith and Margot Robbie are nice to look at their performances are weak and off the mark in this offbeat comedy crime drama that never delivers. Maybe it’s the predictability coupled with obvious misdirection that gives […]

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