Keeping it weird for Halloween, the movie Before I Go to Sleep opens in theaters on October 31. The movie stars Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth in a very off beat story about a woman who’s an amnesiac, someone who has memory loss as a result of shock or a traumatic injury. If you […]
Posts Tagged ‘Mystery’

“Before I Go To Sleep” a Tantalizing Mystery Thriller (Film Review)

“The Adventurer” A Cool Captivating Film (Video Review)

An intriguing mystery film The Adventurer: Curse of The Midas Box is now available on Blu-ray and DVD. The captivating film, taken from the first book in a series by G.P. Taylor, provides all the suspense that the Harry Potter books brought to the screen. It’s a great follow-up for Teens and tweens who […]

In the House, a Cold and Calculating Mystery (Film Review)

Getting a strong grasp on his characters and developing an edgy mystery, Francois Ozon pulls off a fine tale that cringes while it titillates. This fresh take on a different kind of predator puts In the House on a must list for those who like the unusual. Well acted and directed this movie import […]


The mystery and suspense in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo gets menacing giving audiences an unsuspected thriller. I liked this version over the foreign release of the movie in 2010 because it’s in English, has Daniel Craig and the story moves along as it should, unencumbered by faulty direction. For those who like […]